Harold and Olive

Photo: Lemon tree. Harold

 The week before we went to the beach, Larry bought a Meyer Lemon Tree. I was not sure how it would survive while we were gone, but he (the tree) did just fine. The lemon tree is named Harold.
Yesterday, as the storms were just coming into Plano, on Larry's lunch hour, we were doing a few chores. Before returning home, Larry swung by Home Depot and bought an olive tree for our patio.
(We had an olive tree on the balcony of one of our apartments in Paris, it was in a huge pot. We watered it once a week and it was amazing. 
I was in love with that tree!)
Photo: Olive tree is on the Tiki plant stand. Harold the lemon tree is to the right)
I have named our Olive tree, Olive. (Creative, yes?)
She is quite full, and I am in love with her already.

What is it about new plants in the springtime?
Is it the renewal of life, creative ideas, 
our faith and spirit in which we live?

Harold and Olive will be my reminder every day to live in the spirit of joy.
(I'm hoping that they both enjoy the Texas summer) 

I have stopped watching the news and am living my life.
Creative moments and good books. Family and sweet friends are keeping me occupied.
What are you doing to create your own circle of joy?

Love you beyond the moon.

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