The First Visitors

 This past week, Larry assembled a Christmas gift that he received....and put it outside. He is enjoying it very much and I could not wait to share a photo that came from it.

It is called a Bird Buddy and is a wonderful addition to our garden.

Bird Buddy is a small birdhouse with a detachable, rechargeable battery and camera module that takes pictures of and identifies the birds that visit our feeder. 

Last Friday Larry had his first visitor, and the Bird Buddy texted him with a photo of his first visitor.

The first visitor was a cardinal.

Photo: The first visitor!

He has also had a few Blue Jays and a Tufted Titmouse.

Photo: Blue Jay at the Bird Buddy

The Bird Buddy was Larry's gift, but I am secretly enjoying it too.

What did you get for Christmas?
Have a wonderful week.
Stay warm and smile often.
Love you beyond the moon.

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