On The Way Home

 Yesterday, I walked 2.5 miles. At the mall. The Stonebriar Mall.

I really don't like doing that, but it was cold, rainy and I just could not bring myself to go to the rec center and use one of the treadmills there.

The mall where I walk is in Frisco, Texas and the kiddos up there were not back in school yet, so the mall was busy and filled with positive energy. As a special treat, I stopped at one of my favorite stores on the way home.

Photo: Beautiful drinking water at Williams Sonoma.

I never shop while walking. NEVER. It is a rule set in stone, but there is nothing wrong with stopping to shop on the way home. To make the afternoon even better, I walked out of the store with this.

Photo: after exercise treat

I cannot wait to use the goodie that is in the bag and promise to post a picture when I have used it. (hint: it is a Valentine treat)
Coming home in the rain did not ruin my happy mood. So, for dinner we had potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Photo: Potato soup

Yesterday was a pretty good day for such a stinking, rainy Monday.

Love you beyond the moon.


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