Origami AGAIN

I know, I know! 

I talk about origami a lot.

It is true, I still make at least one origami crane a day, during my devotional/meditational time.

Today I made two cranes.

Photo: today's cranes on new laptop

This week, Matilda came to The Cottage and we had the best visit. She was happy, animated and quite talkative.

We visited about a few things, and then she showed me how to make an origami cube. It was interesting watching her. She had memorized the steps and made the cube quite fast.

The steps for making it are 6-part and you need 6 different colored sheets of paper.

Photo: Pieces for an origami cube

It was fun watching someone else fold, and I am anxious for her to teach me "The Cube"!

                                     She made my day!

Here is a link to make the origami cube.

How To Make an Origami Cube

Please have a good day.

Love you beyond the moon.


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