A Cup Of Tea

I have been fighting the worst cold and have no appetite except for tea.
When you have a cold, do you drink tea?
Larry and I found the best tea at the 
Dallas Arboretum gift shop last month.
It is loose leaf tea, and  is amazing.
The only thing is, loose leaf tea is such a mess.
Photo: A favorite tea and new tea filters
I did some research and found tea filters. 
They were 100 for $4.99 at Amazon.
I filled one of the filter packets with 1 teaspoon of tea,
The packet has a longish top and it folds over the tea cup.
Photo: Tea cup and filled tea filter
The process is easy, efficient and clean.
Photo: Tea mug with filter folded over the top

Five minutes of steeping and the tea is perfection.

If you dislike the mess that loose leaf tea makes, 
I recommend these bags highly.
I have a charming book about tea and wisdom that comes with "tea"....

"Tea does our fancy aid,
Repress those vapors which the head invade
And keeps that place of the soul serene."
~Edmund Waller~

Please have a lovely Monday.
Fill your moments with positive energy and ...perhaps tea?
Love you beyond the moon.


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