Lauren And Ellie

Photo: Lauren and Ellie (Boxer/Mastiff) Photo by Lauren

My daughter Lauren fell in love with Ellie before she, Josh and Em rescued her. Ellie, is a big girl and although she is 6 years old, 
she has continued to act like a puppy, until now.

Sweet Ellie, has cancer. Lauren has devoted her days to taking care of this wonderful dog. Larry and I have offered to help, but the best help we can be is to just stay near-by.

Please, today....
if you have a moment, think a good thought for Lauren Josh and Em?
This year has been such a struggle and now with Ellie being so ill,
it  can take your breath away.

There is something unique about losing a dog that is indescribable. (Heartbreaking)
 Love you beyond the moon.


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