The Little Christmas Tree

Photo: This year we bought a "Christmas" duvet.

 Larry and I do not decorate for Christmas anymore. It happened after my first breast cancer. Larry was angry when I said that I did not feel like decorating a tree any more. Perhaps he was more hurt than angry.

After my second bout with breast cancer, we gave all of the Christmas things to our daughters. I was ready and so was Larry.

As the years go on, the holidays change. I love Christmas more than ever, but I dislike the greedy aspect of the day. Christmas for me is respecting my faith and remembering Christmases past. Those two things fill my heart with joy.

Larry and I have a little Christmas tree. it is about 12 inches tall. Our granddaughter Matilda gave it to us. We could not love it more if it were 6' tall. Our one other decoration is a duvet for our bed. It is comfy.

Photo: The Little Tree

Christmas lives in the heart of each of us. As we approach the holiday, may we respect and share love with our friends and family. The joy that comes from not judging is boundless. 

Larry and I may only have a little tree, but our holiday spirit is fueled by love.

Love you beyond the moon.


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