I LOVE Chuy's

 Thursday morning. I was up early and saw 8 robins at the bird bath. It made me so happy, that I went and woke Larry up so he could come and see. There were two males and the rest were the harem. They were beautiful. I was mesmerized and did not think to take a photo.

To say that I am feeling better is an understatement. The Z-Pack is working wonderfully. I feel good and am planning to bake a pie for dessert tonight. (lets see how THAT goes)

On my phone, I found this wonderful photo of granddaughter Matilda and Larry.  How could I have forgotten it?

Photo: Christmas Eve brunch-Christmas Cracker Crowns

Two of my favorite people. I want to always remember these moments.

I had a rough week. I felt so  bad yesterday, I drove with Larry to Chuy's and we got take away for dinner.

Photo: Chuy's

Chuy's is one of Larry's favorite accounts. He takes care of national accounts...and manages restaurant food. (he loves his job very much and still works full time)

Photo: Bed trays with Mexican food

Larry fixed the trays, I got ready for bed and we had a picnic in bed. The food was amazing, just what I needed.

While we had dinner, we watched Matilda the Musical. I am not a huge Matilda (book) fan, because it is just plain mean. This movie was the same story, but so much talent and moral to the story of standing up to bullies. Larry loved it.

Here is to Feeling better, wonderful dinners and standing up to bullies.

Please have the best day.

Love you beyond the moon.


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