The Anniversary of First Cancer

Photo: Team Believe at Komen Race For A Cure

This week is the anniversary of my learning that I had breast cancer for the first time. (Happy Anniversary to me, right?) It is true, that you remember where and when you were diagnosed with the "C" word. I  remember the dress I was wearing. It makes me tearful thinking about it.

I love the above photo. It reminds me of that special feeling that you get when you feel free. Is that the right word? 
Cancer free!
I had stopped taking the chemo pill after 5 years and I was very happy. No more invasive exams, meds, or awful side-effects. Larry, Matilda and I had raised money for Komen. I support any organization that helps women get yearly screenings.

Photo: My daughter Jamison gave me this is my reminder

 I thought there was no option that breast cancer could happen to me again.
Learning the lesson that cancer has its own mind...certainly has hit  me hard. Having cancer #2 made me feel sad and isolated. When you have cancer for the first time, people are supportive and kind. When you have cancer for a second time, your friends do not know what to say and you are treated somewhat as a lost cause. 

I try every day to remember that I am Braver Than I think.
You are too.
Please have your annual screening.
Love you beyond the moon.

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