New Friend

When Jamison and Jared were here for my birthday , I saw a flying thing near our front door. (I hate flying things)
I thought that it was a giant hornet and got the hornet spray out, but  discovered that it was not a hornet, but a cicada killer. What is that? I had never heard of that before.

 I was grossed out by it at first....when I would go outside, she would be resting on Pablo, the sculpture, and then buzz around me. I thought that she would sting me. But Cicada Killers do not sting people...just cicadas.

Over the past month,
she and I have gotten used to each other.
Photo: This is Pablo, the Cicada Killer rests on his face each morning

I have named her Lucy and she greets me every morning, when I go out front.
Photo: Lucy on my Pablo statue

There is a video online of how she kills a cicada and takes it back to her nest. It is to graphic to post, but available if you are interested.

Now, when I go out front, I look for her and she will buzz around me as I greet her with: Hello Lucy.

I will miss her when she moves on.

It is a busy day here today and I better get moving.
Please stay cool and be happy.
Love you beyond the moon.

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