Goodbye, Old Pecan Tree


Photo:  a good-bye picnic

The Darn Pecan Tree is over 60 ft tall 
and his circumference is 9 ft.
He is one of the biggest pecan trees in East Plano.
 and he is very sick,
in fact, he is terminal.
It was bad news indeed and last evening 
Larry and I celebrated him with a picnic to say good bye. We gathered things from the kitchen, including a chilled bottle of Champagne that Larry keeps in the fridge. 

We toasted tree and thanked him for his beauty and care all of these years. 
The Arborist does not know exactly how old he is, 
but he is well over 200 years old.
He was here when we bought the house....

Photo: Lauren & Jami in front of the Darn Pecan Tree

Last evening, Larry and I reminisced about the tree 
and life in The Cottage.
Photo: A toast to The Darn Pecan Tree

Today he will be leaving us....
 and the area around him will be safer
with him gone.
My heart is sad, but we have the BEST memories.

Cheers! Here is to you, you Darned Old Pecan Tree.
I will smile when I remember you.
Rest well.
Love you beyond the moon.

1 comment:

pinkeerach said...

Loss of a large life like that Darn Pecan Tree is loss all the same, even if we can't communicate with words and touches. I love that y'all said a few words and celebrated it with a picnic. Being in the moment is key, and appreciating every present thing, including the huge tree.

Farewell Darn Pecan Tree!