Romance VS Beauty/ Locks of Love

A few days ago, I was challenged about my opinion.
It had to do with romance VS beauty.
Since Larry and I are advocates of romance, I usually side there,
in this instance, I chose beauty
There is a bridge far away, over the river Seine in Paris.
It is called Pont Des Arts or Locks Of Love Bridge.
Each year, Larry and I picnic on this bridge.
The benches are in the center of the walking is a special time for us.
This is how the bridge looks now.
While sitting, you cannot see the view of Pont Neuf or anything outside of the bridge.
The locks of love clutter and distract from the amazing beauty of the bridge and its view.
When we first visited Paris 19 years ago, there were no locks of love in the bridge.
It is a romantic gesture for sure, but why deface something so beautiful?
There is so much romance around us,
 hanging a lock that will be cut off next month is NOT my idea of forever love.

I have a vintage post card from Paris.
{ I love this post card}
This is the Pont des Arts- Pont Nuef view as in the above picture,
but decades earlier and down on the left bank side of the bridge.
The difference , {in my opinion} is stunning.
If you need to buy a lock and hang it on a bridge for your love to last,
all I can say is, "Good luck"....
So dear ones and you know who you are,
when you ask why I dislike the locks of is your answer.

BUT, I really would like the dress that the woman is wearing in that postcard!
Love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love this post! did you know that they are actually worried about the structural damage that the weight of all these locks is causing? Another reason why they shouldn't be there!