What Counts Most

Today is a gloomy Day.
Sprinkles are falling out of low clouds.
Larry and I were out of the house early.
I had a Dr. H appointment and a mammogram.
The longer time it goes since the tumor was removed,
 the more frightened I become.
I was nervous today.
I had a full exam and then a Full mammo. {both breasts}
I had to wait between both appointments
but once the mammogram was finished,
 The radiologist gave me his report
Dr H came and got me 
and we had a little talk.
Everything was clear.
I have an extensive amount 
of scar tissue,and that frightens me.
but all looks clear. I trust  Dr H and his radiologist.
Larry hugged me tight.
He stays with me every step of the way, just in case I trip.
Goodness I love him so much.
He had a staff meeting at the office at 10 and was a little late.
I asked him what will you say about being late?
He said that he will say that he was at a meeting.
I did not say anything, but then he said,
no one really cares about spouses and their illnesses.
I think that he is correct...
but I think that they should care about the person who's spouse is ill.
You know...
When you leave this earth, what will you be remembered for?
What kind of car you drove?
That you were always on time to work?
That you were a Corp team player who chose his work over his wife?
I think that a person will be remembered for those things
 but not in a good way.

I am home now...
drinking tea  and finding myself grateful for today.
My breast cancer taught me many things.
Things I needed to learn and accept.
I am breast cancer free today.
Isn't that what counts?
Love you.

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