Sweet Tricks

I love Halloween.
Only birthdays surpass Halloween in the holiday department.
Larry and I have big plans for this evening
I have a new camera!
I am looking forward to sharing my photos with you tomorrow.
Yesterday I found myself angry.
Angry at someone to lied to Larry and myself.
Sometimes people who label themselves as friends, truly are not.
I went over and over it in my head,
thinking that I might misinterpret the friendship
that my expectations might be different.... 
It was a lie.
So I went to the kitchen and baked.
My very good friend, Karen, shared her families Harvest Loaf recipe with me.
I made the loaves and shared with our sweet neighbors.
The Harvest Loaf is so good, Larry ate about a third of our loaf.
Baking seems to be therapy for me. 
I play music, ignore my ringing phone, my computer and bake.
{and I smile}
I hope that your day is filled with only sweet tricks
delightful treats.
Happy Halloween!
Love you,

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