Congratulations Libby!

Libby made an appearance on the TV show
 RED EYE with Greg Gutfeld
last night.
It was fun seeing her on the show as Unicorn Pug.
Libby videos--->Libby Videos
Libby is doing well.
Her cancer has not returned and her eyesight
is  slowly failing, just like mine!
Getting old sucks,
but it can be such a fun time too.
Larry is in Florida for a week.
I have so much to get done, (Christmas gift wise)
before he comes home.
Let the fun begin!
Love you,


rosemary said...

LOL!!!!! Libby's expression speaks's like she's saying, "Am I done here? Can I move now"? So cute! Is that your artwork, Robin? It's beautiful.

Pastelred said...

Rosemary. Libby is such a good sport. It IS my art, well some of what is here at the house. I have a few bigger pieces in storage...till they sell that is. :-). Thank you for the comment Rosemary. XOX