Dinner & Movie

After 17 consecutive days of temperatures over 100,
I opted for a simple salad for Sunday Dinner Menu this week.
The wine was cool, and the salad refreshing.
was the movie.
(Andy Garcia brings the artist to reality for us who
have only studied the long faces)
Dessert, fruit tart.
We enjoyed dinner, in the hot afternoon,
the cool meal was a respite during a long day.
This morning, I had mail from our landlord at the beach cottage.
They are waiting for our visit.
Secret: I really need the beach right now.....
where do you go when you refocus and refuel?
Thank you for being part of my day.
Stay cool, enjoy your moments.
Love you.

1 comment:

Sara Louise said...

My Mom is in Texas too, and she's been telling me that she's been eating a lot of salads for dinner because it's too darn hot to turn on the stove!