April 2nd, Again

She came into the world,
April 2nd,
 a Thursday afternoon in Memphis Tennessee.
It took 8 hours to arrive
we thought she was a boy
till Dr Young announced,
"Its a Girl!"
(that means we had no names for her)
She did not cry and was placed in my arms.
Her eyes were open, had ten fingers and ten toes,
and smelled wonderful,
Life was perfect at that moment.
Every April 2nd since that day,
we celebrate.
This year will be a different.
Lauren is expecting her own baby girl.
(named Matilda)
On this birthday, I wish Lauren,
love, joy and the same blessings that she,
has given me.
Happy Birthday Lauren,
May this next year be,
Love you beyond the moon,
*photo: Lauren & Robin 1982

1 comment:

rosemary said...

Happy Monday, Robin!! Hope you enjoy your walk. Wanted to tell you how much I love this picture of you and Lauren. I can tell something by this picture...of all the things we have in common, I think one of the biggest is you and I love being our kids' mom, yes?? :-)