The World Keeps Spinning.....

The herb corner on our patio, is a favorite spot.
Cluttered with mismatched pots,
you can smell the herbs when you step onto the patio.
I use all the herbs that I plant and I watch them grow
as I look out the kitchen window.
I still must plant the wisteria seeds that I harvested last year,
and find small plants for the "odd" pots.
(The white odd pot is from a flea market in Paris
Larry said new RULE. No carrying heavy merde home from Europe)
The "3" is an old address sign that Mother
gave me for my birthday years ago.
The Lion was a whimsy gift from Larry,
the be strong gift, we all need once and awhile.
I found wired beads on a rod
and stuck it in one of the larger pots.
The colors make me happy.
Libby has no use for the herb garden.
Yesterday, she gave me
"the look" as I swept and planted.
Spring is here...
The world just keeps on spinning...
Share your happy day with someone special.
Love you.

1 comment:

Teagirl said...

This makes me smile and a tear for the sentiment and love. I so enjoy sharing your moments via your blog, Robin. Love you ♥