Complete Folly

I have been distracted lately.
Simple things get me off track,
and my schedule is askew.
I am not complaining...
days of complete folly are wonderful.
( I am not sure how Larry feels about it,
his OCD mandates order. HAHAHAHA)
Good luck with that.
Yesterday, I should have been working,
instead ,I baked.
The cookbook was bought while visiting Philadelphia
last year.
Recipes from Thomas Jefferson & Martha Washington.
I LOVE this cookbook.
Yesterday I baked,
Pumpkin Raisin Bread.
It was to be baked in loaf pans,
since I did not have the right size, I tube-panned it.
Larry and I each had a slice
(and it was yummm)
then put the rest in the freezer.
I wonder what folly today will bring?
Stay tuned...I have the camera ready.
Love you.
PS: You can find The City Taven cookbook

1 comment:

Teagirl said...

Oh Robin! This looks perfect! XOXO