Alice and Ben

Old family photographs thrill me.
In antique shops I buy them 
(if they are under $3.00)
admire the strength in their faces.
How many children did they have?
Did the world treat them well?
What was the gentleman's job,
and did the lady bake?
I hate seeing family photos in dirty boxes at antique shops.
It means that someone gave history away.
How dare certain family members pick and choose
the history  they wish to keep?

I have the best family in the world.
Larry, Lauren & Josh, and Jamison.
Cousins and extended family/friends
that give us family to love.
There is no way to thank the people who have adopted us.

I think that the couple above look a bit like brother and sister. The couple above are named Alice & Ben.
As you look at the photo do you see clues
to the life they have lived?

What clues to family history will you leave behind?

Love you beyond the family bible.

1 comment:

Anne Gifford said...

That was a good comment on the family chosing which family history by throwing away old photos. So sad, but it happens more than I would like to acknowledge.
Have a great day!