The Next Seven Months

It is common knowledge that I love birthdays.
The secret is,
I love ALL  celebrations!
Larry celebrated a birthday on Wednesday night.
Family arrived for dinner and visits.
Little did we know that there was one other birthday
that we would celebrate that night.
The birthday that would occur in July,
the birthday of
 Lauren and Josh's wee babe.

Lauren did not drink anything but water,
the emotional spirits were high.......

We all had pensive moments.....

My daughters.
A portrait of family, love and future.
Please God,
Make the next seven months zip by really fast.
Love you.



Samantha Vérant said...

MMMM! Champagne blessings and caviar dreams. Well, without the caviar!

Pastelred said...

Merci Samantha! Happy Friday. R

Teagirl said...

Such emotional moments. I'm sure it takes a little time for the news to sink in, but just think, another wonderful person from the most wonderful family will join this world. What joy this baby will bring, new adventures and a life time of smiles. Congratulations to my dearest friends. I SO wish I lived closer to you, but I carry you in my heart always.

Love Love Love you,

rosemary said...

Robin! What wonderful news, and what a lucky little baby that will be!!!!

Anne Gifford said...

What a great birthday gift--a grandbaby on the way announcement!! Grandparents is such fun!!!