Over the past few weeks, so much has been happening, and today while chatting with a friend, I realized that I gave the wrong impression about my Libby's medical condition.
Libby's tumor was removed and it was malignant. Our VET sent sent us, to a specialist.We took her to an animal cancer specialist. We visited with the DR for an hour, and she had a sonogram on her liver and spleen. They were both clear.
The kind of cancer that Libby has is a slow growing cancer. The oncologist wanted Libby to have radiation to get all of the cancer. He would put her to sleep and wake her up every day for 16 days. The radiation would burn and semi destroy her paw, even to the point of losing the pads on her right foot.
Libs is 9 years old. She is my most wonderful companion, being with me when so many people deserted me, Libby is a rare comfort indeed. I adore her with all of my heart and could not put her through radiation.
So, here I am. Making such a decision for this most beloved pet. I accept God's will and will take care of Libby as needed.
I am so sorry if my "all clear" meant that this danger was over.....but the "all clear" means my eyes are clear. Clear eyes, and light heart...... Libby and I can handle this.
Thank you for checking in on us, I shall keep you posted on what is happening.
Love you lots.
pray that you find peace and comfort to get through your remainging time with Libby.
Life is sometimes about quality and not quantity. I think you made the right decision for Libby.
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