Midnight Email

A few weeks ago I ordered (from Amazon) a cover for my phone after I dropped it,
 thinking that protection would be a good thing.
Once it arrived,
I put the new cover on my phone right away.
It was great, protected my phone
I ran into a chair at Libby's Dr's office.
(after I got the bad news about Libby's cancer)
The phone cover split in two.
A few nights later, when I could not sleep,
it was Internet time.
My midnight email was from Amazon Marketplace,
asking for reviews on recent purchases.
Something to keep me busy for an hour.
I gave all of my purchases good ratings,
except for the defunct phone cover.
I gave it TWO stars.
then, went back to bed, and forgot I rated anything.

A week later, the owner of the phone cover company wrote me a REAL note.
Included with the note was a complete refund for the broken cover,
TWO brand new covers for my  defenseless Blackberry.
The note was so sweet, and apologized for
the sorry excuse of a phone cover.....

Now I have this fun, sparkly, PINK cover for my phone,
with the word LOVE on the back.
Thank you Mr R for the note, the refund and the covers.
It is an amazing feeling to know that
someone listens to those reviews.
Moral of this story.
Always be truthful,
and write REVIEWS!
Love you,

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