Like a Dream

It is 3:32 Tuesday morning.
Libby slipped into my spot in the bed when I got up.
Now, Larry and Libby are snoring away.
How on earth can people sleep all night long?

Mariners Compass update.
(after ruining the first attempt, last week)
The center compass came together like a dream.
The seam allowances are perfection,
stitches to die for,
and now....
I will piece the large outside compass.
(it will be 30" when complete)
Listen, can you hear the circus music while I attempt 
this amazing feat?

Blogger has changed things up.
I had to pay extra $$$ for storage space,
and I feel agitated about it.
I hope that it is not difficult to figure out.
Thanks a lot Blogger.
Larry has a small  computer.
(a gift from Lars & Josh)
I will be using it while on holiday this year, we have wi-fi in the apartment!
Fingers crossed and spit into the wind,
 that I figure this new Blogger out.

It is time to roll over and spoon Larry.
This is a dream, isn't it?
Love you.

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