
CLEAR! All of Libby's tests came back showing that her cancer had not spread. The tumor removed 3 weeks ago was malignant, but everything points to the DR having gotten all of the cancer. Can you hear me sigh? I need a glass of wine now. **Thank you everyone for support and love....Happy dance!

Love you!


Unknown said...

Robin, that is such good news, your heart must feel so much lighter. Libby is such a love, and my favorite famous PugOWeen puggy of all time. Please give her a hug for me and tell her what an honor it was to see her yesterday!

Pastelred said...

Nancy, we attended Pug O Ween with such heavy hearts yesterday. Libby is such a good pug....she is so blessed to have so many people love her...
We loved meeting Puddin' it was the highlight of the day for us.
Thank you for everything that you do.
Crushing hugs,

Teagirl said...

Beautiful precious Libby. We Love you so much and we are so happy you are alright. ♥

BB said...

So glad to hear the news Robin.

Anne Gifford said...

Wonderful news! I know you are relieved.