Cupcakes and Friends

I have not had problems sleeping in about two years....
it happened again Thursday night/Friday morning.
I tossed and turned, read, played on the computer.
ignored the meteor shower
and finally went back to bad and closed my eyes.
Resting is better than nothing.
While agitated about not sleeping,
I made a comment on my facebook.
I wished I had a huge, tempting, gourmet cupcake.

Little did I know, that a good friend was listening.

Larry and I were meeting Lisa & Bobby for dinner.
I needed a mijito and a light dinner.
Lisa and Bobby bring the most amazing reality to a friendship.
I always look forward to visiting with them.
After hugs and settling at the table,
Lisa, gave me a pink bag.
She smiled and said,
here is a sleeping pill.
I opened the bag...
A Cupcake.
Not just any cupcake, but one that makes drool
escape out of the side of your mouth.

Friendship listens when nothing is being said.
Friendship hugs without a reason
friendship makes you smile.
Thank you Lisa & Bobby.
I smile.
Love you beyond the sprinkles.

1 comment:

Toni Tralala said...

That cupcake looks moist! What a nice gift from a dear friend. I hope you enjoyed your cupcake! :)