A Vintage Life Filled With Vintage Material.

Last year, Larry bought me a new sewing machine.
While paintings are drying
or I am
I sew.
Taking everyday patterns and changing them up.
They become my designs by putting my own dress design
to wonderful sleeves,
or a vintage button where a zipper should be.
There are hundreds of options.
In Dec 2009, at an antique mall in Dallas,
I found a corner booth filled with vintage fabrics.
That day, I did not buy anything, but I did dream
about the store all month long.
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go back.
Primed and ready to buy.
As I worked my way into the booth
disappointment crawled into my heart.
2 1/2 yards of fabric was....$110.00!
I have 110 dollars in my account,
it was just the idea that the beautiful textiles
were so over priced.
Once again, I left without buying anything.
Coming home, and using my computer,
I found a delightful site:
I did the leg-work..now YOU have fun!
Each of us have a creative spirit about us.
Take your camera someplace out of the ordinary.
try a new skill,
use a color that you hate in your next project.
"You are limited by your own imagination"
~Robin Tolbert~
Love you.

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