Today I am grateful for old dollhouse memories.

My workroom (studio) is a mess. It is such a mess that it is agitating me.
I had an exercise step-bench in the studio for about 5 years...and yesterday I donated it to Goodwill. Thus, the cleaning begins.

Today I am starting on the old dollhouse. (Larry built it for me in the '80's) When my granddaughter Em was little, we gave the dollhouse to her, and she played with it many hours while I worked. The dollhouse sits on a child's table and there are 4 chairs around the table.
I would like to keep the dollhouse, because it reminds me of such fun moments. 

Once, EM accidently knocked the dollhouse down...and when I asked what happened, she said a tornado hit it.
Goodness, I adore that child.
Photo: Larry built me this dollhouse about 40 years ago.

 The inside of the dollhouse became a catchall for both Em and for me.

I am going to clean out everything from the inside and keep it in my studio.

Photo: Inside the dollhouse

I must be honest. This process is sentimental and a bit sad for me. We are all getting older, and I am not embracing it as well as I could be.

I read a quote yesterday, it said:

"Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy."

That is how I am going into the purge process. (wish me luck)

About happy. 
I wish you a happy, happy weekend....

Love you beyond the moon.


1 comment:

pinkeerach said...

Purging even the smaller houses comes with its own kind of grief. big hugs.