Another Birthday Is In The Books

Photo: Birthday dinner in Dallas

 Another birthday is in the books and I am so happy that it is over!
Larry was amazing about the plans.
Last Thursday flowers were delivered, and that evening a surprise party was held. (I had NO CLUE about the party)
On Saturday, we went to the Dallas Museum of ART for the Impressionist Exhibit, and it was spectacular.
Sunday, found us in Ft Worth for the Broadway production of Grease,
on Monday, my birthday, we had dinner at our favorite French restaurant in Dallas.

Photo: Sunday, dinner after the play. Note: Birthday cake pinata!

Photo: At the Exhibit at the Dallas Museum of ART

It is official. I am 70 years old. All of my favorite people participated in the celebration, ( and I thank each of you very much.)
Sweet Larry looked at me and told me how glad he was that I was still here to celebrate.
I'm glad that I am still around to celebrate too.
(even though I dreaded this birthday like no other)

So, to all of you who I heard from, Thank you so so much. You helped make this birthday one for the books.
Love you beyond the moon.

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