A Fine Day for Frogging

Photo: Cardigan pattern and sleeves on needles

 Last month, while knitting this sweater, 
I messed up big time.
The bottom half of the sweater was complete,
 and was starting the yoke.
I'm not sure exactly where the mistake was made and could not figure it out, so I frogged the entire thing and started again.
(to frog means to tear out a knitting project)
This is the re-do.
The bottom back, both fronts are finished, and the sleeves are on the needles and will finish them today.
When the sleeves are finally finished (I knit both at the same time) it will be time to start the yoke again. (I'm nervous)
This is the first time that I have made this sweater and I like it very much.
Fingers crossed that I manage the pattern correctly this time.
It rained again in the night.
There is standing water in the back garden and the neighborhood cats have not visited in days.
What did they used to say?
It is a fine day for frogs?

Please have a happy day.
Love you beyond the moon.

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