Waiting For The Rotisserie Chickens

Photo: Thursday Morning waiting for more storms.

 Yesterday was a beautiful day. I got all of the chores on my "to-do" list done and I walked my miles at the defunct Willow-Bend Mall. 

Walking in a half empty mall is creepy on many levels. The owners are planning on making the mall into an Uptown Living-Shopping Community. In the meantime, they are renting out to pop-ups, and... the pop ups are so cheesy that it leaves me shaking my head. 
I did not take any pictures it was so creepy.
I came to home to the world news.
The news is so disgusting and tiresome, 
I asked Larry to take me out to dinner.
And he did!
Photo; Larry at Chuy's

One of Larry's clients is a restaurant chain called Chuy's. He has taken care of them for years and loves working with the Chuy's Corp. We went to the Chuy's in East Plano, but they had not power since the storms on Tuesday Morning, so we went to the Chuy's restaurant in West Plano.
We had the best dinner, talked a lot, and enjoyed just being away from the TV and news.

It is very difficult escaping from the national news and the local devastation from the recent storms. 
It causes anxiety for so many people right now and it is very sad.
We are expecting more storms later this morning and
I am off to the market to get things for dinner tonight...

Larry has requested the Kaua'i Casserole.
I have to wait till 10:00 to go to Kroger, because that is when 
the rotisserie chickens are done. 
(I use the rotisserie chicken in the casserole) 
Recipe on blog tomorrow?

Please have a good day.
May you be blessed with good weather and happy moments.
Love you beyond the moon.

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