The Lessons That Breast Cancer Taught Me

 This morning, I had a eureka moment and afterward, 

I felt like I could breathe again.

I was getting dressed and checked my phone. Typical, right?

A contact of mine (who is fighting breast cancer) and is a contact 

on Instagram posted this.

REAL TALK: the constant fear and anxiety of just trying to LIVE doesn't go away when the cancer is "gone". There are good days and hard days, and emotionally jarring days. Today I am feeling the combo of all three. I don't think I'll ever mentally or emotionally be the same person again.

I took a deep breath. 

Someone finally said it. For those of you who do not know, I had breast cancer twice. Once in 2012 and in 2019. Different breasts and different cancers.(at the same time I was struggling with primary hyperparathyroidism, having two neck surgeries) My oncologist called it a fluke. I did what all my DRS told me. I am in remission, cancer free, a survivor, whatever you want to call it.

I am a different person, never to be the same again. My days since 2012 have been strange, perhaps I spent to much time looking for that old Robin who is long gone.

Sweet Larry always says: At least you are HERE!

Here I am. I love my life and my family. Please reach out to the cancer warriors in your life. They are fighting more than cancer...and might appreciate a crushing hug.

Here is a photo of me, taken about 3 weeks ago. (November 2023) I am learning to be happy and not as anxious. Larry is supporting me every step of the way and although some dear friends have slipped away, I now understand.

My faith is stronger, I love deeper and grieve in a way I have never experienced before. Cancer has taught me so much.

I pray that you never have this teacher, but if you do and need a hug, a friend, anything... you have my contact info.

Thank you for listing.

Love you beyond the moon. 


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