An Evening with Barbra Kingsolver

 Last night, Larry and I spent the evening with author, Barbara Kingsolver. I wish it had been at a intimate dinner somewhere special in Dallas, but we were with 500 of her closest friends at Temple Emanu-El.

My fist Barbara Kingsolver book was Prodigal Summer in 2000.

I have been a fan since then, and when Demon Copperhead won the Pulitzer, I felt like my sister won.

Last night I got to spend the evening with one of my favorite authors.  She is humble and smart with a sense of humor that sneaks up on you. Much like her writing.

The evening began with a short reading, the mediator, Rabbi Stern asked questions and then Barbara conducted a Q&A.

As always, I am to shy to ask a question. I wanted to ask:

How did you find out that you won the Pulitzer? 

What naughty words did you shout???

Near the end of the book, Angus says to Demon, it is YOU who is magic.

As you wrote the book, did you feel Demon was magic too? Did you ALWAYS feel like Demon was magic? OR did you discover his power as the book was winding down?

Larry is over half-way reading Demon Copperhead, and I read it ages ago and it was on the "Book List" for August.

Robin's Book List

I looked forward to last night and hate that it is over.

Love you beyond the moon.


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