Jared's Birthday

 Yesterday was our son in laws birthday.

Jared is married to our daughter Jamison,

 and is a Dallas Policeman.

(Thank you for your service Jared)

We left Plano around 3:00 pm and drove over an hour

 to the town where Jamison and Jared live to celebrate his birthday!

The traffic was so bad thorough Dallas.

It was awful. I got car sick,

but we made it to their house early enough 

to interrupt their afternoon and deliver his gifts.

This years  theme: "gifts to go with a fire pit"

Photo: Jared's cigars

This year, we gave him a 

new, fancy, fire pit for the back yard,

beer, cigars and a book to read while relaxing.


This is Jackson Pollock, the one year old Weimaraner puppy.

(Jami and Jared have adopted 2 puppies, brothers)

Photo: Jackson

Jackson was my buddy yesterday.
 His brother Ernest Hemingway was busy chewing on a toy and I did not get his picture. 

We had a great visit, birthdays are the best and besides, it is always a treat to have a chance to visit with Jamison, Jared and the pups.

Then we got in the car and drove the hour home.

Dallas traffic was even worse if you can imagine it. We made it home, and Larry made dinner. Rotisserie chicken, salad and 5 grain bread. ( and served it to me in bed) It was so good. What wine goes well with this menu you ask?

Try this wine, it was perfection with a chicken dinner.

Larry said that I REALLY needed a glass of wine last night and maybe I did....

Please have a wonderful weekend.

Love you beyond the moon.


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