Taking Care

 There is a uncommon medical condition called Hyperparathyroidism.

It is a crazy disease. The symptoms and treatment alone, leaves you shaking your head.
We all are born with four parathyroid glands. (not thyroid)
tucked in either side of your thyroid.
They are tiny...the size of a grain of rice.
The main function of the parathyroid glands is to make the parathyroid hormone (PTH).This chemical regulates the amounts of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the bones and blood.

I have Hyperparathyroidism.
Symptoms started in 2010 and was diagnosed then.
Over the years I have had two surgeries on my neck, 
the first time removing two parathyroid glands and the second surgery one parathyroid gland. Both times because of tumors.
After my last surgery I lost my ability to talk for 3 months because of paralyzed vocal cords due to scar tissue. That drove me crazy!
I have one parathyroid left and refuse to
 give into this crazy condition again.
So, I live with it.

Last week while exercising, 
I had the first twinge of something happening.
On Sunday the kidney stone symptoms started.
 (experiencing kidney stones is common with this condition)
So I have spent this week taking cake of kidney stones.
The pain is past, and now, it is much like a UTI.

Photo: today's medicine

 Cranberry juice is my favorite medicine,
AND keeping busy.

Did you know that the comedian Gary Shandling 
died from hyperparathyroidism?
He was an amazing ARTist and person. I hate thinking that he went through this crazy disease. I was such a fan.

This was my last cranberry juice....
I am off to the market for more.
Please take care of yourself...
Love you beyond the moon.

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