Our Cottage

Once at a dinner party, one of Larry's salesmen said to him, "You cannot get a house smaller than yours." (1,800 sq ft)

I still hold it against that man for being insensitive and rude.

Larry and I have lived in The Cottage since 1985. 

(it was built in the late '60's)

It is home.

My daughters were tiny and life was much simpler back in the beginning.

Photo: The Cottage

 In a few months The Cottage will be paid off.
There are many memories that rattle around in this sweet house.
I was going to list them out, but they do not need to be mentioned. 
I am only going to remember the happy moments.

My heart is full.
It is interesting to me that so many have tried to "dash" my spirit, but it did not work. My Larry and I are still here. 
In love, happy and living a wonderful life. 

I believe that being content, is the first step to living a good life.
Being happy with yourself and what you have, make the world a wonderful place.

 Our Cottage. 
Is filled with love and ART.
Come, be still 
allow joy to fill your heart.
Love you beyond the moon.

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