The Wild West?

 The bad news is hotter than you know what in Texas right now,
AND it is making people CRAZY.
I took the photo below from our local news station.
These men had a minor accident on the HWY near The Cottage and this is how they handled it. 

What is wrong with people?
It honestly feels like the wild west.
People are driving like merde and you cannot honk
 or this is what will happen.
The gunman was arrested, and that is good news.
More good news is, Em, our granddaughter,
brought us a cake yesterday. It is a recipe that she created and made herself. It is (soon to be was) delicious.
Thank you Em! You are so sweet to think of us.

It is going to be another hot day.
I am going to yoga this morning and working on a project this afternoon.
(I am staying inside all day)
Please stay cool and happy wherever you are.
Love you beyond the moon.

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