Sunday Dinner and Black Eyed Susan's

Yesterday, Larry and I went into Dallas 
to an antique shop to buy a wedding gift. We knew that the gift was there, and after taking it to the counter, we walked the entire store. Just browsing, but so many things catch my eye.
I LOVE old photographs.

 These two photos caught my eye. The family in the top photo look so serious...and the boys in the bottom photo 
look so adorable and mischievous.
Often I wonder how the photos got to be at an antique shoppe?
Who would give up such precious gems?

We came home and the day was miserable hot.
I made Larry a late Fathers Day dinner.
(we were busy last week on the special day)

Photo: Larry's Potato casserole

Larry made his famous potato casserole. 
It is my favorite because I don't have to make it.
Photo: The dinner

We had filet mignon, potatoes and mixed veggies.
Dessert was a homemade banana, brownie sundae.
Photo: Ice-cream!

We splurged and it was worth every calorie.
Our wine was a bottle I bought Larry for Fathers Day....
Photo: Father's Day gift

It was magnificent with our meal.
I just took a letter to the mailbox....Patty look for it to arrive soon! 
BUT look what is blooming in the entry.....

 My black eyed Susan's are blooming.
They are happy, bright and thriving, even in this hot weather.
Summer is really here.
Love you beyond the moon.

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