The New Canisters

The Christmas of 1977 was our first holiday 
as a married couple.
We lived in a small apartment in Memphis, TN.
on my wish list for Santa were canisters.
I had seen them at Sears and had fallen in love
they were sooo expensive.
Larry was a manager of a grocery store
I managed a florist shop.
The budget was tight.
And to be honest,
 I was surprised to get anything at all that year.
BUT, under the tree on Christmas morning,
were the beautiful canisters.
I loved them.
In fact, I loved them for 38 years.
They had bumps and bruises,
chips and dents.
About a month ago I cut myself rather badly on one of the chips.
It was time, perhaps for new ones?
I started shopping around.
All I could find were nothing like my wonderful canisters.
Maybe it was time for something new and different?
Ok, go on and smile.
I found these at Macy's and love them.
They are a lot like the old ones!
{they are Martha Stewart}
Three instead of four.
I said good bye to the old canisters.
I cleaned the counter
put the new ones out.
Filled with flour, sugar and tea,
I love them 
and they surprise me every time I look at them.

Now, I guess, that it is time to paint the kitchen?
{and maybe new counters?}
Love you.

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