The Chicken Dance

I do not like that chicken dance and song.
(the one they sing at children's parties)
Go on, say I am a bad sport or a curmudgeon.
(do you know curmudgeon means illtempered, crusty, old man?)
Here is where the sad story begins.
Since I decided to grill a butt chicken for
Sunday dinner and movie,
all I could think of is that blasted song.
Here is
the chicken on its butt frame.
I used chicken broth and herbs in the can.
I set it in a  larger pan and added potatoes
 after about one hour.
While I was preparing dinner,
Larry asked if I would look at his eye.
It was a huge pool of blood on the underside.
I said if it is not better in the morning,
I will call the DR.
( Larry is an awful patient, he frowned)
Here is the roasted chicken,
with potatoes around it, resting before I carve.
Mandarine orange salad on the side.
We watched
in honor of Elizabeth Taylor.
It is my favorite Taylor movie.
Richard Burton is in it. Can you hear me sigh?
Larry's eye looks better today.
he left for a meeting at 7am....guess he dodged another
DR appointment.
Laundry day is well underway,
I must make the bed and dress for 4 miles,
when I finally catch up,
I will work on a birthday gift.
Lauren's Day is Saturday.

I love birthdays.

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