Here We Go

Sunday, dinner and movie.
Yesterday I gathered the menu and went to Whole Foods Market.
It was fun planning the meal and buying the groceries.
Larry seemed pleased because it had been quite awhile 
since our last Sunday dinner and movie.
Here are the particulars.
Swordfish steaks
Veggies and white rice
Baguette and butter

Banana cake

"Mr Morgan's Last Love"
Michael Cain and Jane Alexander made me cry.
Larry whispered: That is us.

This weekend was nice.
On Saturday, we went to the movies {Box Trolls!}with Matilda
and then
babysat her that evening while her mom and dad
went to to a ART Show.

Now, its MONDAY!
I'm not sure that I am ready for this week
but I have no we go....

Love you,

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