The Right Paths

Do you remember what real mail is?
Do you remember,
walking to the mailbox, opening up the little front door,
your heart beating wildly
as you thumb through the stack of envelopes.
I adored real mail.
For some reason the maibox has become a place for
once and awhile it holds a treasure.
Maybe an invitation to a wedding or party,
a card of care and well being,
something so very special, it has to have a category of its own.
This very thing happened to me this weekend.
Larry brought the mail in, announcing real mail for me.
Let me show you.
I was so touched that I cried.
Lisa Aven has been my friend for over 30 years.
She is an amazing woman
 remembered that my passion is for women who cannot afford mammograms,
get them and be diagnosed early if they might have breast cancer.
She also remembered that  two years ago,
{this week}
I had surgery to remove my tumor.
{invasive ducal carcinoma}

Life goes on.
everyone is busy and living their lives, as I am.
Two years ago, while going through this,
I did not realize that two years later
the bumps in my road would have been so strange.
So frightening.
So Happy.
So sad.
So touching
and best of all,
So filled with love.

Two years ago, Lisa Aven sent me a book.

Promises Of Hope For women

Oh how I love this book.
Not just because of the scripture and quotes inside,
but because Lisa gave it to me.

It reminds me that strength, faith and grace live within us all.
All we have to do is whisper a prayer....
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding:
Think about Him in all your ways, 
and he will guide you on the right paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I want to be the Lisa in the lives of my friends.
Are you the Lisa in your friends lives?

Love you.

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