
In France, we have favorite cafes.
They are typically close to our apartment, within walking distance.
We have a favorite café here in the states...but we must drive.
Marcus is the place where we reconnect after a long day/week/afternoon.
We are hugged by the owners when we arrive,
then slide into our favorite booth and order wine.

Tonight, because I ordered tea,
Larry had a beer.
We talked about the moments of today.
I soaked up his words, listening, wishing that I could help more than I do.
I love him and love that he is happy.

How blessed am I?
Please know that I do not take  anything for granted.
Everything is important to me,
including the café where Larry and I reconnect.
Taking time to talk, steal a kiss, just be together without interruption.
We are home.
I am blogging from my bed as Larry reads.
Wait, he is sleeping!
It is late...I am tired too.
{time for me to cuddle and read}
Thank you Marcus Café.
Larry and I love you and our time there.
Love you,
PS: Sandy, I sent you the recipe. See you Sunday. Love you!

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