Without A Dirty Word

 Yesterday was a non existent kind-of BLA day.
Now that I am over Jet Lag, 
Laundry day Monday could not be put off.
So I got it all done, worked on a Christmas gift and watched the ice melt.
Watching ice melt, is like watching people eat in slow motion.

The holidays are fast approaching,
I have gifts to finish{knitting, painting and sewing}
 and then I will breathe a sigh of relief.

There is a file in this laptop.
It is filled with many pictures from our French holiday.
I need to get them all on FLICKR
Larry keeps asking me to upload his pics and order him hard copies.
I bristle, thinking, but I have not taken care of my pictures yet.
I am sad that Larry's birthday is over.
I love his birthday.
I am cold. It is 21 degrees outside.

Please forgive me for being so grumpy.
My life is filled with so many blessings.
So many good things have come to me,
I do appreciate each of them
How is it that we know our blessings, see them as plain as day,
but the grumpies take over anyway? 

Do you ever feel like this?

Well, I better step away from the desk,
do a dozen jumping jacks,
take ten deep breaths 
change my attitude.

Merde! I wrote this entire post
without a dirty word.
Ha, well almost.
Deep breath one...
have a good day.
Deep breath two.....
Deep breath three....
Love you,
Deep breath four....

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