Shame On You BRASSO Gadgetcare and

I took this photo. This is my dog
and I made the costume.
{find it on AVANTI Cards worldwide}
While finishing treatments for breast cancer, I had an email from Lori.
Lori is the person who leases this photo for greeting cards and she needed to share something that she found.
In Lori's email, she shared a link taking me to this:
Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Brasso Gadgetcare
Someone used my photograph without permission.
I have been emailing weekly with
{ seems to be the clearing house for companies to promote their products}
My communications with have been interesting.
They wanted me to PROVE that this is my photograph.
I should be laughing.
THEY steal my photograph and I have to prove that it is mine?
shame, shame, shame, on you.
Look for further correspondence as this continues.
I feel rather sad.
A huge company that makes millions,
steals my photo and then gives me the old run around.
You would think they could afford to buy their OWN pug dog.
Better yet, pay me for using my photo.
Look out BRASSO here I come.


Teagirl said...

You GO Girl! Tell me what I can do to help. We'll firm an Army and take 'em Down!!! <3

Teagirl said...

May I send them a photograph of the back of Libby's card where has Your Name! They are being jerks. I think I will go through away my Brasso right now. (Lol, glad I caught this error before I sent this, lol, I typed Brasso and auto speller changed it to "brassiere " hahahahaha)

Kudzu Telegraph said...

May I send this??

I just looked at your website and was surprised to see a picture of my friend Robin Tolbert's dog. (The pug in the pumpkin patch in the unicorn costume) Did you purchase the right to display her picture without giving her credit? I know she would not allow you to use her work without permission.
The copyright laws are pretty strong as I have learned working with rug hooking patterns.
I have no time or patience with thieves, which is what you obviously are.
I will be spreading the word about your company and products and recommending that everyone boycott your company and products until you recognize the illegality of what you are doing. Facebook, here I come!

Martha Ann Henry

Teagirl said...

YAY! Martha! Excellent!